{"cz":"Firemní web"}
Corporate communication
The ultimate digital corporate magazine.
With Triobo.
Improve communication with customers or employees - publish your company newsletters and magazines in your own digital library in a high-quality design. Forget the outdated list of PDF downloads that no one reads. Make better use of your existing archive: enjoy search and easy reading without having to download anything. Take the plunge and publish rich multimedia or work with PDF. Best of all, save on printing costs.
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„Triobo allows us to bring the content of the printed SKODA Mobil easily, quickly and without design compromise to the computers, cell phones and tablets of readers who appreciate the unprecedented convenience and attractive design. We appreciate the exceptional flexibility and support of the Triobo team. The technical support of the solution and the willingness to improve or introduce new editor functionalities based on our requests is unprecedented in the industry."
Pavel Matuska, Boomerang Communication
„We have chosen Triobo's solution for digital publishing of printed magazines. I really appreciate the helpful and patient approach of the team.“
Tomas Novotny, SKODA AUTO a.s.
Triobo visual (WYSIWYG) editor for creating responsive, interactive, and multimedia publications
Make your digital publications magical.
Customer segments
Corporate communication
Internal communication
Content agencies
Publisher of printed media
Catalogs and brochures library
Municipal newspapers and newsletters
Do not miss
Easy PDF reading on mobile phones
How to make digital publications
Your digital library
Your media e-shop
Triobo WYSIWYG editor
Triobo showcases
About Triobo
Contact us
©2012-2024 TRIOBO LTD. | phone: +420 731 363 002 | info@triobo.com
Company number: 08995015, VAT: GB 283 4280 94
We proudly created the website in the visual editor Triobo.
Get more from your existing content
We'll create an organized digital library for your company, with all of your customer or employee magazines and catalogs in one place. With search!
Everything runs under your corporate address, with your logo and colors. Readers don't need to install anything or download a PDF to read, they just click on the page of their choice and start reading.
Triobo supports comfortable reading of PDFs even on small displays without having to zoom with the fingers.
Publications are indexable by search engines, specific pages can be instantly shared on social media or used in email newsletters, and most importantly, library-wide search works.
Easily import content from existing PDFs or use our visual editor to create multimedia and fully responsive publications. You can easily correct typos or make updates at any time. It's easy to create a digital version.
Option of a private area for internal company materials.
We are also happy to publish the magazine as mobile apps for Apple iOS and Android.
Benefits for you
A library of corporate publications: at your address, with your logo and corporate identity.
Add to the library any PDF or responsive publications created in Triobo. Entrust the work to your graphic designer, agency or do it yourself. Free training.
Full text search in the entire library.
Read without downloading or installing anything.
We support comfortable PDF reading even on small screens, so you don't have to constantly zoom in with your fingers.
Instant changes and easy typo correction in any publication.
Multimedia: Bring your publications to life with interactive and audiovisual elements. Easily add links from the PDF to the e-shop/web.
Easily share specific pages: on social networks or in email newsletters.
Private area for internal company materials or for registered customers of your company.
Publications in any language; multiple languages in one library.
Detailed traffic statistics down to the level of individual magazine pages (Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager).
Take a look
Triobo is trusted by corporations and small businesses alike. PDF-based corporate magazines and magazines with interactive features, paid magazines and catalogs, Triobo can help you with it all.
Triobo is also well known in companies such as SKODA Auto, Metrostav or ČEZ.
Get inspired.
Call for a free trial
Email or call us today. We'll answer all your questions, and most importantly, we'll give you a trial:
Call us
A big advantage for your business
Print doesn't live long
Do you know what happens to the printed version of your company magazine? Customers throw it away after a few days at best, and a few copies end up gathering dust in your drawer. But you've paid a lot of money and put a lot of effort into preparing quality content, producing a beautiful magazine, printing it and sending it out.
Digital forever
We dramatically extend the active life of your content. With us, you'll get much more value out of the content you already have and have paid dearly for. Forget the outdated list of PDF downloads. Thanks to Triobo, you can offer your customers and yourself a convenient digital library with a complete archive that keeps readers coming back to older articles of interest (proven in practice). You will get significantly higher readership, detailed statistics, find out what readers are interested in. You may also decide to reduce your print run and save costs.
What's more - you can search the archive!
Interactive promotion
Triobo also gives you an easy way to interactively promote (typically) the latest issue of a magazine, catalog or brochure on other sites. The reader can preview the issue and click through directly to the publication. A sample is shown below. This interactive ad can easily be graphically customized (colors, size, controls) to fit your design.
Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
Triobo: aby vaše digitální publikace okouzlily
Triobo: make your digital publications magical
Firemní komunikace
Obsahové agentury
Pohodlné čtení PDF
Digitální knihovna
Váš mediální eshop
Corporate communication
PDF Easy Reading
Digital library
Content agencies
Your own media eshop
Tvorba publikací
Creating publications
Pricing (EUR)
Knihovna katalogů
Catalogue library
Vizuální editor Triobo
Interní komunikace
Internal communication
Triobo visual editor
PDF Leicht Lesen
Triobo: machen Sie Ihre digitalen Publikationen magisch
Biblioteka cyfrowa
Biblioteka katalogów
Własny sklep internetowy z czasopismami
Komunikacja korporacyjna
Łatwe czytanie PDF
Triobo: uczyń swoje cyfrowe publikacje magicznymi
Digitale Bibliothek
Katalog- und Broschürenbibliothek
Erstellen von Publikationen
Ihr eigener Medienshop
Interne Kommunikation
Visueller Triobo-Editor
Wewnętrzna komunikacja
Tworzenie publikacji
Edytor wizualny Triobo
Agencje contentowe
Ceny (PLN)
Triobo visuele editor
Catalogus bibliotheek
Publicaties maken
Digitale bibliotheek
Inhoud agentschappen
Triobo: maak uw digitale publicaties magisch
PDF Gemakkelijk lezen
Je eigen mediawinkel
Interne communicatie
Ceny (EUR)
Pricing (USD)
Pricing (GBP)
PP - Brno střed
PP - Penta News
PP - Skylink
PP - Visit Czech Republic
PP - Toulky přírodou
PP - World of Genetics
PP - Praha 2
PP - Praha 8
PP - Triobo Content Reader