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Pricing (EUR)
Clear prices with no hidden fees.
With Triobo.
We have open pricing, you can find everything below.
The non-public trial is for publishers free - just contact us.
Choose your preferred currency to view our prices:
EUR (€)
USD ($)
GBP (£)
94 EUR / month
(annual payment)
113 EUR / month
(monthly payment)
Price includes
Everything a publisher needs with PDF
An easy-to-navigate, web-based digital library of PDF titles for desktop and mobile devices
One magazine title, unlimited number of issues
Library search
Free and paid titles (you pay no commissions)
Professional design
Subscriber management system
E-shop for selling print, digital, and combined (print + digital) subscriptions
PDF Easy reading support
45-minute training session
User support: email, phone
Detailed traffic statistics
Downloaded data: 200 GB per month (approx. 200-250 thousand pages read per month). When exceeding, +0.23 EUR / GB
384 EUR / month
(annual payment)
460 EUR / month
(monthly payment)
Price includes
Everything from Triobo Start
PDF and fully responsive and multimedia publications
Triobo visual editor for creating responsive, interactive and multimedia content
Multilingual publication support
Mobile applications for Apple iOS and Android
Private content area
Vouchers as a payment alternative
E-shop also for physical products, not only for selling content
API for integration with third-party e-shops and billing systems
Folders and categories to sort publications
Reader design with user customization incl. custom font for both UI and Easy Reading
120 minutes of training
User support: priority, phone, email
Customization options
Downloaded data: 1,000 GB per month (approx. 1.0 - 1.2 million pages read per month). If exceeded +0.15 EUR / GB
Special offer for cautious publishers
Triobo does not charge you a commission on the content sold, nor does it limit the number of titles in your library or the frequency. We simply charge a flat monthly fee that is mutually beneficial.
But if you don't believe in yourself, you can go the way of the Triobo BOOST plan. Here you don't pay a monthly flat fee, but commissions on digital content sales. So you don't have to worry about a lack of interest in your titles - but if everything goes according to plan, you'll also pay significantly more than the flat rate of the standard tariffs. The contract is always 12 months.
For more information on the Triobo Boost plan for paid publishers, please see the separate page.
City and municipal newspapers
We have a special price list for municipal and town newsletters that reflects their readership based on the size of the town. For more information about the offer for towns and municipalities, please see the separate page.
Calculation according to your needs
(call for more information)
Everything from Triobo Professional
Special requirements & customizations
A "kiosk" library, i.e. multiple independent titles sorted by category. For paid titles, support for combined subscriptions (multi-title packages)
Priority user and consultant support
Support for third-party cookie managers (OneTrust, etc.)
Initial design setup in the standard area
Hosting of the entire solution
Ongoing software updates and enhancements (software as a service)
User support for publishers
User training
Initial import of archive from supplied PDFs, if required
Publishing of new publications from the provided PDFs, if interested + setting up of recommended articles
= Everything you need to get started. All you have to do is set up a web address.
See how easy it is to search the entire library, read instantly with no downloads, or read PDFs on small displays.
We know the publishing business personally and can bring real benefits to your business. Whether you want to improve your company magazine, are a paid magazine publisher, or an agency providing publishing services to your clients, Triobo has what you need.
What is downloaded data?
When you view and read a magazine, data is downloaded from the Internet. Most of it is the content of individual pages. The amount of data downloaded depends on, among other things, the size of the magazine, how carefully the reader reads (how many pages?), whether the publication contains multimedia, etc. Whether the magazine is available to the reader for free, and whether the publisher has allowed PDF downloads to the reader's computer in addition to instant reading - and how much the reader uses this - also has a big impact.
Based on the experience of the past few years, it is possible to say that successful free magazine will almost certainly be satisfied with 1,000 GB per month. For smaller and paid titles, 200 GB is usually sufficient. Of course, you have ongoing statistics on downloads and traffic.
If you would like to discuss this in more detail, we are available by phone or email.
„Triobo allows us to bring the content of the printed SKODA Mobil easily, quickly and without design compromise to the computers, cell phones and tablets of readers who appreciate the unprecedented convenience and attractive design. We appreciate the exceptional flexibility and support of the Triobo team. The technical support of the solution and the willingness to improve or introduce new editor functionalities based on our requests is unprecedented in the industry."
Pavel Matuska, Boomerang Communication
Contact us
Pavel Knapp (business)
phone: (+420) 731 363 002
e-mail: pavel.knapp@triobo.com
Michal Politzer (technology)
e-mail: michal.politzer@triobo.com
Inquiries please send to inquiries@triobo.com.
207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
Company number: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94
DUNS: 220076779
Make your digital publications magical.
Customer segments
Corporate communication
Internal communication
Content agencies
Publisher of printed media
Catalogs and brochures library
Municipal newspapers and newsletters
Do not miss
Easy PDF reading on mobile phones
How to make digital publications
Your digital library
Your media e-shop
Triobo WYSIWYG editor
Triobo showcases
About Triobo
Contact us
©2012-2024 TRIOBO LTD. | phone: +420 731 363 002 | info@triobo.com
Company number: 08995015, VAT: GB 283 4280 94
We proudly created the website in the visual editor Triobo.
Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
Triobo: aby vaše digitální publikace okouzlily
Triobo: make your digital publications magical
Firemní komunikace
Obsahové agentury
Pohodlné čtení PDF
Digitální knihovna
Váš mediální eshop
Corporate communication
PDF Easy Reading
Digital library
Content agencies
Your own media eshop
Tvorba publikací
Creating publications
Pricing (EUR)
Knihovna katalogů
Catalogue library
Vizuální editor Triobo
Interní komunikace
Internal communication
Triobo visual editor
PDF Leicht Lesen
Triobo: machen Sie Ihre digitalen Publikationen magisch
Biblioteka cyfrowa
Biblioteka katalogów
Własny sklep internetowy z czasopismami
Komunikacja korporacyjna
Łatwe czytanie PDF
Triobo: uczyń swoje cyfrowe publikacje magicznymi
Digitale Bibliothek
Katalog- und Broschürenbibliothek
Erstellen von Publikationen
Ihr eigener Medienshop
Interne Kommunikation
Visueller Triobo-Editor
Wewnętrzna komunikacja
Tworzenie publikacji
Edytor wizualny Triobo
Agencje contentowe
Ceny (PLN)
Triobo visuele editor
Catalogus bibliotheek
Publicaties maken
Digitale bibliotheek
Inhoud agentschappen
Triobo: maak uw digitale publicaties magisch
PDF Gemakkelijk lezen
Je eigen mediawinkel
Interne communicatie
Ceny (EUR)
Pricing (USD)
Pricing (GBP)
PP - Brno střed
PP - Penta News
PP - Skylink
PP - Visit Czech Republic
PP - Toulky přírodou
PP - World of Genetics
PP - Praha 2
PP - Praha 8
PP - Triobo Content Reader